
Salpicaduras de polvo multicolor sobre fondo negro. holi pintado. Foto Premium

You may use color related vocabulary in any kind of conversations; when talking about food, clothing items, make-up, paint, fruit, vegetables, furniture, and so on. In this post we will go over the most basic colors and a few important points to consider when using them in a sentence.

Learning tips!

  • The difference between "color" and "colour" is their language. The first one is in American English and the second one in British.
  • Colors do not take a plural form like in Spanish. My shoes are black. (My shoes are blacks.)
  • Since they are adjectives they are used before the noun. Orange dress. (Dress orange)
The best way to learn them is by practicing. As usual, here are some links which you could explore and do their exercises if you want๐Ÿ˜‰.


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