
The World

  • Say the names of the continents

Check your answers:

1. North America
2. South America
3. Europe /ˈjʊərəp/
4. Africa
5. Asia /ˈeɪʃə/
6. Australia /ɒˈstreɪliə/
7. Antarctica

  • Now, say the countries and nationalities in America
Banco Mundial prevé mayor caída del PIB en América Latina en 2020 ...

Check your answers

  • How many European countries and nationalities can you say in English?

Check the most common European countries and nationalities

  • Do you know the most common countries and nationalities in Asia?

Check some of the common Asian countries and nationalities

  • Finally, can you name some common African countries?
África. papel decorativo 3d corte mapa del continente africano con silueta de elefante
Check the most common countries and nationalities in Africa

If you want to know how to pronounce countries properly, visit the following site:🗣

Play the following hangman game by guessing countries or nationalities👀


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