Student-centered Approach

The Benefits of a Student-centered Approach Whenever I have to deliver a TEFL course or any training addressed to the faculty, I always ask my audience the following questions: Which is the best class you have attended so far? Did you feel safe and confident in this class? Did you feel you had actually learned in this class? Do you remember that teacher/professor/facilitator's name? What was this class like? What was the atmosphere like? I know I will bring back great memories among my audience, and that is because I am pretty sure the class they remember was one in which a student-centered approach was implemented. In my blog today, I will go over the main features and benefits of this approach. I will try to make it simple and appealing so you feel encouraged to start applying it in your English, or any other foreign language, lessons. Why is student-centered learning approach effective? Giving students authority over both the content of the lesson and the teaching strategy is ...